Wednesday 21 October 2020

4. Today's Artificial Intelligence

Today’s AI Research

In today’s day, AI research is constant and continues to grow. Over the last five years AI research has grown by 12.9% annually worldwide, according to technology writer Alice Bonasio.

Within the next four years China is predicted to become the biggest global source of artificial intelligence, taking over the United States’ second lead in 2004 — and it is quickly closing in on Europe’s number one spot.

Europe is the largest and most diverse region with high levels on international collaboration within the field of artificial intelligence research. After China and the United States, India is the third largest country in terms of AI research output.

When it comes to specifics, there are seven distinct research areas with limitations on AI ethics research.

· Search and Optimization

· Fuzzy Systems

· Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation

· Computer Vision

· Machine Learning and Probabilistic Reasoning

· Planning and Decision Making

· Neural Networks

Neural networks, machine learning, and probabilistic reasoning and computer vision show the largest volume of research growth.

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